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Ethiopian food has gained enormous popularity and the variety of spices needed in its recipes is now available in Australia.

Berbere is a spicy, hot blend and is the basic ingredient in the preparation of Ethiopian dishes.

Shiro is a ready mixed powdered, spiced legume used to make an instant hot sauce.

Mitmita is a wonderfully intense and delicious spice used in Ethiopian culinary feasts.

Learn more about our spice

Enjoy this Chicken Stew (D'aro Wat) with berbere.

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Berebere is he absolutely basic spice in Ethiopia, and most commonly used in Daro Wat .  It is a finely ground mixture of 12 products. More

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The basis of shiro is finely ground chick pea. Mild spices are added. Shiro is prepared as a stiff liquid, and is a great complement for njeera, the... More